How to reduce stress in the workplace?

Stress is an emotional, physical and psychological state that is the result of many factors. This is good news, because...

The first score will identify the impact this could have on your stress levels. (0: it will have no impact, 10: it will have a decisive impact)

The second score will determine how easily you can implement this idea. (0: absolutely impossible, 10: very easy)

You can do this exercise for yourself, for your team (if you are a manager) or for your organization (if you are a CEO / Minister or even in the HR function.)

Nous proposons aussi des sessions de Team Building à Dakar et partout ailleurs pour réduire le stress de vos collaborateurs et renforcer la cohésion d'équipe.  

Physical exercise and meditation can help you lower your stress levels

Exercise. As stated on the Harvard Medical School website "Regular aerobic exercise will bring remarkable changes to your body, metabolism, heart and mind. It has a unique ability to exalt and relax, stimulate and calm, fight depression and dissipate stress. ". Many of us set the bar too high to begin with, and as a result never start or give up quickly. Take it easy, for example by starting to walk before even considering jogging.

Get at least 8 hours of sleep a night. Adults who sleep less report higher stress levels than those who sleep more. More generally, adults with lower stress levels report sleeping more hours per night than adults with higher reported stress levels. And since it's hard to make sudden changes to your sleeping or waking up hours, make the changes gradually. If you usually go to bed at midnight, set a goal to go to bed at ten minus midnight for a week, then midnight minus twenty, etc.

Change some of your eating habits. If you are very stressed, you would benefit from eliminating stimulants (teas, coffees, coca-cola, chocolate) from your diet and starting to replace them with substitutes (herbal teas, decaffeinated coffee, coke zero).

Meditate or pray. In short take the time to clear your mind. Stress is often due to the fact that we do not stop thinking. Meditating or praying develops our ability to pause our brain. I advise you to try short guided meditations and read "The Power of Now" by'Eckart Tolle.

Take breaks regularly. Identify ways to have a break that will recharge your batteries. For some, it may be a phone call to someone. As far as I'm concerned, I go around the neighborhood every two hours or so. When I come back, I feel a renewed clarity of mind.

Identify the topics that cause you stress and analyze them in detail.

Is it your manager who is stressing you out? Why? Does he disrespect you? In what setting? The more specific you are about what stresses you out, the more likely you are to realize that, in fact, there is a pretty specific reason. Personally, I tend to be stressed when I can't deliver on my commitments or what is expected of me. However, sometimes I realize that re-negotiating my commitments is easier than I imagined.

In case you are already practicing all these, but are absolutely convinced that your stress level is caused by your work environment, try the following actions:

Clarify your goals by making them as SMART as possible, and ask your manager to validate them. The more specific you are, the more you will have the opportunity to identify the tasks that fall on you without really resulting in progress towards your goals. If you identify this as an interesting lever, we encourage you to sign up for our "time and priority management" training. Have the courage to have that difficult conversation with the person stressing you out, once you've identified in detail the reason behind the stress. If you need help getting ready for that conversation, do not hesitate to call upon one of our coaches; One or two sessions should be enough to help you prepare for this discussion.

And if, all in all, your stress is rooted in something more fundamental, consider more radical actions. For me, I completely changed my career path after realizing that the stress I was experiencing in my work environment was due to a mismatch between my personal values and those of the organization I was working for at the time. If this is the case, it is important to prepare well for your transition.

Guillaume Sennequier

How to become a better manager?
As a manager, we have often been recruited for our technical expertise. Thus, a good accountant will become Chief Accountant and a good salesperson will become Sales Manager. It's quite natural: people in managerial positions are more valued in most organizations (in prestige, compensation, development opportunities, etc.).