Searching for Happiness

When two passionate about Positive Leadership (finally) meet, big smiles are quickly drawn on the faces... Patricia...

Tal Ben-Shahar is the author of international bestsellers on happiness. He taught at Harvard University where his courses in positive psychology and leadership psychology were among the most popular courses in the history of the university. Tal is also co-founder of Potentialifean individual leadership development solution using new technologies and based on positive psychology research.

"After two years of regular remote exchanges with Potentialife, it was important that we could meet to strengthen the bond," explains Patricia. We realized that we had, in the very essence of our organizations, a 100% aligned DNA. We decided to work together. Potentialife's digital leadership development solution would enable Beautiful Soul to scale. The next step is that it can be translated into French so that we can offer it in Senegal. »

1,2…Talents !
The Beautiful Soul team is enriched by the arrival of Julia Diouf and Fatouma Sokona. Cross-interview. You've both experienced...