Certification in Professional Coaching
European Quality Standards (EQA) Foundation programme, accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC)
Diploma: Foundation Level Professional Coaching Certification
Become a Professional Certified Coach
Join our Foundation Level Professional Coaching Certification programme accredited by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC).
A 7 to 12 month programme including:
- 3 days of in-person training
- 4 individual supervision sessions (over a 3-5 month period)
- 4 group online sessions (over a 4 month period)
- 20 sessions of individual coaching sessions (1 hour per session) with external clients
- Approximately 60 hours of personal work
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Prix de la formation : 350,000FCFA HT
Ce prix comprend: le contenu de la formation, un manuel, 2 demi-journées de formation en présentiel, le lieu, les repas et les pauses café. 2*2h de coaching de groupe de suivi.
Les places sont limitées (12 personnes max).Reservez votre place dès à présent en vous inscrivant ou contactez-nous pour plus d'informations