Jan 12 BCCC Complet Basic Certification for Corporate Coaching (BCCC) Coaching Certifications:In collaboration with Gilles Gambade, Beautiful Soul offers a full range of European Quality Standards (EQA) accredited coaching certification programmes at Foundation and Practitioner Levels by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). These programmes are complemented by the "Leader As Coach" training for executives to enable them to acquire and integrate key coaching skills into their role. Dakar, Senegal
Jan 16 BCCC Réservation Certification au Coaching (copie) Coaching Certifications:In collaboration with Gilles Gambade, Beautiful Soul offers a full range of European Quality Standards (EQA) accredited coaching certification programmes at Foundation and Practitioner Levels by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC). These programmes are complemented by the "Leader As Coach" training for executives to enable them to acquire and integrate key coaching skills into their role. Dakar, Senegal
Oct 23 Réussir ces entretiens annuels O BLABLA La formation action 100% pragmatique et en pédagogie active pour professionnels RH engagés Online event
Dec 09 REUSSIR VOTRE ENTRETIEN INDIVIDUEL O BLABLA La formation action 100% pragmatique et en pédagogie active pour professionnels engagés Dakar, Senegal